Friday, June 27, 2014

Six drinks for a flat stomach

Voda s ukusima
Hidratacija je veoma važna kada želite da smršate. Ako pijete dosta vode, pomažete organizmu da održi optimalan nivo tečnosti, ali i sprečavate pojavu nadutosti. Takođe, na taj način održavate osjećaj sitosti. Ukoliko ne želite da pijete običnu vodu, dodajte nekoliko kapi limuna za bolji ukus.

Water with flavors
Hydration is very important when you want to tangle. If you drink a lot of water helps the body to maintain an optimal level of fluency, but also help prevent the occurrence of flatulence. Also, thus maintaining a feeling of satiety. If you don't want to drink plain water, add a few drops of lemon to taste better.

Frape od lubenice
Ukoliko ih pripremate bez šećera, frapei su odličan način da se osvježite bez griže savjesti. Lubenica je odličan izbor za niskokaloričan sastojak frapea. Ne samo što je prirodan način da se hidrirate zbog visokog sadržaja vode, lubenica sadrži dosta ljekovitih sastojaka, uključujući i likopen, poznat po preventivnom dejstvu na pojavu raka. Lubenica sadrži i amino kiselinu arginin, koji u organizmu smanjuje masnoće i podstiče povećavanje mišićne mase.

Watermelon smoothie
If you are preparing sugar-free, smoothies are a great way to refresh remorseless. Watermelon is an excellent choice for a low-calorie ingredient shakes. Not only is the natural way to hydrating due to the high water content, watermelon contains many medicinal ingredients, including lycopene, known for its preventive effect on the occurrence of cancer. Watermelon also contains the amino acid arginine, which reduces body fat and encourages the increase of muscle mass.

Hladan čaj od nane
Ovaj napitak je odličan način da se osvježite, ali i da se riješite masnih naslaga sa stomaka. Čaj od nane pomaže organizmu da se riješi suvišnih masnoća, ali i ubrzava varenje masne hrane, pa tako sprečava nadutost.

Cold tea of mint
This drink is a great way to refresh yourself, but also to get rid of fat deposits from the abdomen. Mint tea helps the body get rid of excess fat, but also accelerates the digestion of fatty foods, and thus prevents bloating.

Frape od ananasa
Napitak od ananasa će vas odvesti u tropske krajeve, a vašem organizmu pomoći da se riješi suvišnih kilograma, naročito onih na stomaku. Ananas sadrži enzim bromelain koji pomaže razgradnju proteina, olakšava varenje i sprečava pojavu nadutosti.

Pineapple smoothie
Drink pineapple will take you to the tropics, and help your body to get rid of extra pounds, especially those in the stomach. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps the breakdown of protein, facilitates digestion and prevents flatulence.

Zeleni čaj
Pred toga što djeluje preventivno na pojavu raka i srčanih oboljenja, zeleni čaj sadrži katehine, antioksidante koji mogu uticati na smanjenje masnoća sa stomaka. Ako prije fizičkih aktivnosti popijete zeleni čaj, možete sagorijeti više masnoća tokom vježbi

Green tea

Before that they have a preventive effect on the occurrence of cancer and heart disease, green tea contains catechins, antioxidants that may decrease the fat belly. If physical activity before you drink green tea, you can burn more fat during exercise

Šejk od čokolade
Čokolada, naročito ona s visokim sadržajem kakaoa, zapravo vam može pomoći da smršate. Kraljica slatkiša smanjuje apetit i sprečava pojavu “napada gladi”. Međutim, ovaj napitak može da sadrži i do 400 kalorija, pa više spada u obroke nego u užinu.

Chocolate milkshake
Chocolate, especially those with a high content of cocoa, actually can help you to tangle. Queen candy reduces appetite and prevents the appearance of "attacks of hunger." However, this drink may contain up to 400 calories, and more falls in meals than snacks.

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